Suggestions and complaints

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In light of spreading awareness for our bank customers, we recommend to read the following thoroughly:

  • It is necessary to read all the terms and conditions of each product form and to inquire about any information through customer service officials before signing the product application.

  • It is necessary to read the contracts carefully before signing them and you can always obtain a copy of them at any time.

  • For debit or credit cards holders, it is necessary to keep it in a safe place, and the same applies for the cards passwords, with the need to keep them in separate places at all times.

  • Not to disclose any confidential information about accounts or cards to any third party.

  • In the event of any card being lost or damaged, the bank shall be notified on the hotline 19093.

  • It is necessary to notify the bank immediately and without delay upon realizing any illegal dealings or unauthorized transactions on your account.

  • If you're enjoying any type of loan, credit cards or any credit facilities, the monthly installment payment date must be adhered to in order to avoid being included in the negative lists.

  • Do not hesitate to inquire about the commissions and fees related to the product, with the need to constantly check the bank's website to find out about any changes in services and prices.

  • It is necessary to provide accurate and clear information to the bank and upon any change or update, you should notify the bank immediately (any change or expiration of the national number, passport or residence, etc.) so that this does not affect the quality of services provided by the bank.

Procedures for submitting and dealing with customer complaints:

  • - Call 19093, 24/7

  • - Submit the complaint through our bank's website

  • - Visit our branches and submit your complaint to the branch official or depositing the complaint in the "Your opinion is our concern" box designated for this matter in all our bank branches

    Your complaint is answered within a period not exceeding 15 working days from the date of its receipt (except for complaints that need special treatment.
  • - In the event that the bank is notified of the non-acceptance of the response, the complaint is to be re-examined and the final response is to be given to the customer within 15 working days accompanied by justifications, especially if the response has not changed, with the customer being notified of his right to escalate the complaint to the Central Bank of Egypt in case the customer does not accept the second response.