
Suez Canal Bank provides a bundle of financial and non-financial services specially tailored for the SME sector:

Medium-and-long-term financing:

Finance your expansion projects with Suez Canal Bank's medium-and-long-term loans.

Short-term financing:

Finance your operations with Suez Canal Bank's short-term financing.

Indirect financing:

Letters of guarantee

Letters of credit

Required Documents

Assign application form.

Copy of the company's deed of association.

Recent commercial registration and a copy of the tax card.

Business license (temporary, final or under-issuance).

Tax and insurance declaration.

Life-time budget (maximum three budgets for existing companies).

Copy of the project ownership document or lease contract.

Headquarter lease or ownership contract.

Valid national ID cards and the facility's administrative structure.

And any other documents, according to business type.

Central Bank Initiative for Small and Medium Enterprises

For the aim of encouraging and developing these types of projects in the framework of the Central Bank's initiative and complying with the bank’s policy and protocols signed with other parties, we offer financing at special interest rates, as follows:

Small enterprises with up to EGP 50 Million sales revenue, including the following:

All types of businesses and all types of activities.

Medium-term loans up to 7 years.

Short-term facilities of all types.

5% Simple interest rate.

Medium enterprises with EGP 50-200 Million sales revenue, including the following:

Industrial and manufactring businesses.

Financing of working capital and fixed assets throw short-term and long-term loans.

8% Simple interest rate.

* Guarantees: Appropriate personal or Collateralize guarantee and / or a guarantee document from a credit risk guarantee firm.