
Suez Canal Bank's Chip-Contactless Cards

Unlimited Benefits, Ultimate Control & Peace of Mind

World Credit Card

Get your Contactless World Credit Card from Suez Canal Bank and enjoy the following benefits:

Credit Card limit is up to EGP 1M

Cash withdrawal limit is 100% of card limit

Purchase Protection in case the purchased product is damaged or stolen

Up to 54 days interest-free grace period on purchases inside and outside Egypt and via internet

Debit Cards

Suez Canal Bank's innovative solutions have brought you the perfect Debit Card for the ultimate cashless experience.

Simple access to your savings or current account 24/7

Easy cash withdrawal from over 1 million ATMs locally and internationally.

Can access up to three SCB accounts through the ATMs provided...

Prepaid Cards

Suez Canal Bank's easy-to-use prepaid cards offer you a great electronic alternative to carrying or giving cash.

Easy cash withdrawal from over 1 million ATMs locally and international.

Convenient cashless payment at Egyptian stores, as well as 24 million merchants worldwide.

No bank account needed.

Credit Cards

Suez Canal Bank Credit Cards allows you to enjoy seamless money access in and outside Egypt.

A 57-day interest-free grace period on purchases.

Top secure technology for online shopping (3D Secured-onetime password).

Cash limits up to 100% of your monthly credit limit in and outside Egypt.

Meeza cards

Suez Canal Bank Meeza card brings banking services to all Egyptian.

Accepted locally at more than 88 thousand merchants for POS Trx and more than 13 thousand ATM's in Egypt.

The card can be issued for anyone using only their national ID.

Corporate credit card

SCB Corporate Card delivers efficient digital expense tracking that puts you on top of your company’s cash flow.

We offer an interest free grace period up to 57 days on purchases.

Easy and secure cash limit up to 100% of your

International Spending Limits for Credit Cards download.

To know Instructions for using credit cards in foreign Currency Please click here.